10 Essential Tips to Ace Your CALE Prep
Hi friends! I know preparing for the California Acupuncture Licensing Exam (CALE) can feel like a huge, overwhelming climb—I’ve been there, and I totally get it. That’s why I’m so excited to share the 10 key tips that carried me through my own CALE journey and helped me come out stronger. These tips are to help you build a solid foundation, get you to prepare what to expect, and walk into the exam with confidence. Let's get started!
(Please note that these key tips are based on my personal experience, so take them with a grain of salt! 🧂)
Also, I’ll be sharing links to download the CALE Handbook, CNT Manual, and CA State Laws & Regulations for Acupuncture at the end of this post, so make sure to take all the tips from this blog post! 📚✨ Make sure to bookmark this page and return to it to help with your studies!
Key Tip No. 1: Grab the Latest CALE Exam Handbook—Your Ultimate Roadmap!
The CALE Exam Handbook is your go-to guide for prep. It outlines everything you need to know, from content areas to exam structure. Download the latest version from acupuncture.ca.gov and make sure you cover every topic listed. Think of it as your treasure map to success! 🗺️
Key Tip No. 2: Build a Rock-Solid Foundation in Acupuncture
Key Areas to Study for the Acupuncture Section of CALE
Key Acupuncture Points and Their Details
Focus on Major Categories:
- Five Shu Points (Jing-Well, Ying-Spring, Shu-Stream, Jing-River, He-Sea): Understand their functions, energetic properties, and clinical applications.
- Yuan Source Points: Know their role in regulating the corresponding Zang Fu organs (e.g., LU 9 Taiyuan for Lung issues).
- Other Key Points: Xi-Cleft, Luo-Connecting, Back-Shu, Front-Mu, Eight Influential Points, and Confluent Points of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels.
Details to Master for Each Point:
- Location: Be able to locate points anatomically.
- Functions/Indications: What conditions does the point treat?
- Needling Depth and Techniques: How deep to needle, at what angle, and any special techniques (e.g., perpendicular vs. oblique insertion).
- Cautions and Contraindications: Know when to avoid needling (e.g., ST 12 Quenpen: no deep needling at ST 12 Quepen due to proximity to the lungs and artery. Avoid needling during pregnancy).
- Why It Matters: The CALE may ask you to select points for specific conditions or identify risks associated with needling certain points.
Focus on Major Categories:
Acupuncture Techniques and Moxibustion
- Study Source: Read Chapter 11: Acupuncture and Moxibustion Technique from the Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion (CAM) book
Key Techniques to Understand:
- Needling Methods: Tonification (reinforcing), sedation (reducing), and even techniques—know how to manipulate needles to achieve these effects.
- Moxibustion: Direct vs. indirect methods, indications (e.g., cold conditions), and contraindications (e.g., avoid in heat syndromes).
- Electroacupuncture: When to use it, settings, and precautions (e.g., avoid in patients with pacemakers).
- Cupping and Gua Sha: Indications (e.g., stagnation, pain) and safety (e.g., avoid over broken skin).
- Why It Matters: The exam may include practical scenarios, like choosing the right technique for a patient with Qi deficiency or knowing when moxibustion is contraindicated.
Point Selection and Prescription for Common Conditions
Learn Point Combinations: Study classical and clinical point prescriptions for common TCM patterns:
- Example: For Liver Qi Stagnation (stress, irritability), use LV 3 Taichong + LI 4 Hegu to move Qi and calm the mind.
- Example: For Spleen Qi Deficiency (fatigue, poor digestion), use ST 36 Zusanli + SP 3 Taibai to tonify the Spleen.
- Understand Pattern Differentiation: Point selection should align with the patient’s TCM diagnosis (e.g., don’t use LI 11 Quchi in a cold pattern).
- Why It Matters: The CALE often tests your ability to select points based on a patient’s symptoms and TCM diagnosis, reflecting real world clinical decision making.
Learn Point Combinations: Study classical and clinical point prescriptions for common TCM patterns:
Anatomical Knowledge for Safe Needling
Understand Anatomy: Know the underlying structures (e.g., nerves, blood vessels, organs) to avoid complications.
- Example: Avoid deep insertion on ST 9 Renying as it may puncture common carotid artery.
- Example: Be cautious at GB 21 Jianjing (shoulder) in pregnant patients, as it can induce labor.
- Study Resource: Use a book like Clinically Oriented Anatomy by Keith L. Moore to understand anatomical landmarks. You can also use our Acupuncture Deck.
- Why It Matters: The CALE tests your ability to needle safely, often with questions about contraindications or risks based on anatomy.
Understand Anatomy: Know the underlying structures (e.g., nerves, blood vessels, organs) to avoid complications.
Integration with TCM Theory
Link Points to Theory: Acupuncture on the CALE isn’t just about memorizing points—it’s about applying them within a TCM framework.
- Example: If a patient has Kidney Yin Deficiency (night sweats, dry mouth), select points like KI 3 Taixi to nourish Kidney Yin.
- Connect to Foundations: Use your knowledge of Yin-Yang, Five Elements, and Zang Fu (from Key Tip No. 4) to justify point selection.
- Why It Matters: The exam often integrates acupuncture with TCM diagnosis, so you’ll need to show how your point choices align with the patient’s pattern.
Link Points to Theory: Acupuncture on the CALE isn’t just about memorizing points—it’s about applying them within a TCM framework.
Study Tips for the Acupuncture Section
- Use Visual Aids: Create or use charts of points (like our Acupuncture study cards) to memorize locations and functions.
- Practice Scenarios: For a given condition (e.g., “Patient with insomnia and anxiety”), select points and justify your choices based on TCM diagnosis.
- Cross-Reference with CNT: Always consider safety when studying points—know the risks and precautions for each.
Mock Exams: Take practice tests to get familiar with question styles (e.g., multiple choice on point selection or safety protocols).
- We’ve kicked off practice questions on Boncho School! Our team is hard at work building more practice questions and tests, and once they’re ready, we’ll announce it through our email newsletter. Be sure to sign up at bonchofriends.com and stay tuned for updates! 📩
Key Tip No. 3: Master Chinese Herbal Medicine
Key Areas to Study for the Chinese Herbal Medicine Section of CALE
Single Herbs: The Building Blocks of Formulas
Focus on Major Categories:
- Herbs that Release the Exterior: Warm, acrid herbs (e.g., Ma Huang for Wind Cold) and cool, acrid herbs (e.g., Bo He for Wind Heat).
- Herbs that Clear Heat: Heat-clearing and toxin-resolving herbs (e.g., Huang Qin for damp-heat in the Large Intestine).
- Herbs that Tonify: Qi tonics (e.g., Ren Shen for Qi deficiency), Blood tonics (e.g., Dang Gui for Blood deficiency), and Yin/Yang tonics (e.g., Rou Cong Rong for Kidney Yang deficiency).
- Herbs that Drain Downward: Purgatives for excess conditions (e.g., Da Huang for constipation due to heat accumulation).
- Other Key Categories: Herbs that transform dampness, move Qi, stop bleeding, and calm the spirit and more.
Details to Master for Each Herb:
- Functions/Indications: What does the herb treat?
- Properties: Temperature, taste, and channel entry
- Dosage: Typical dosage ranges (e.g., 3-9g for most herbs, but purgatives like Da Huang may be 3-15g depending on the method).
- Contraindications and Cautions: When to avoid using the herb (e.g., Ma Huang is contraindicated in hypertension or with excessive sweating; avoid Dang Gui in cases of dampness or diarrhea).
- Preparation Methods: How the herb is processed to modify its effects (e.g., Zhi Gan Cao is honey-fried to enhance its tonifying properties).
- Why It Matters: The CALE often tests your ability to select herbs for specific TCM patterns or identify when a herb is contraindicated based on a patient’s condition.
Herbal Formulas: Understanding Composition and Modification
Learn Core Formulas: Study classical formulas for common TCM patterns:
- Example: For Spleen Qi Deficiency (fatigue, loose stools), use Si Jun Zi Tang (Four Gentlemen Decoction) with Ren Shen, Bai Zhu, Fu Ling, and Gan Cao to tonify Spleen Qi.
- Example: For Liver Qi Stagnation (irritability, PMS), use Xiao Yao San (Rambling Powder) with Chai Hu, Dang Gui, and Bai Shao to soothe the Liver and nourish Blood.
Understand Formula Structure: Know the roles of each herb in a formula:
- Chief (emperor) herb: Addresses the primary pattern (e.g., Chai Hu in Xiao Yao San).
- Deputy: Assists the chief (e.g., Bai Shao in Xiao Yao San).
- Assistant and Envoy: Support or harmonize (e.g., Gan Cao in many formulas to harmonize).
Master Formula Modification: Learn how to adapt formulas using single herbs:
- Example: If a patient with Spleen Qi Deficiency (Si Jun Zi Tang) also has dampness, add Cang Zhu to dry dampness.
- Example: For Xiao Yao San with more heat signs, add Zhi Zi to clear Liver heat.
- Why It Matters: The CALE may ask you to modify a formula based on a patient’s symptoms or select the right formula for a given TCM diagnosis, reflecting real world clinical skills.
Herb-Drug Interactions and Safety
Understand Interactions: Know how herbs interact with Western medications:
- Example: Avoid using Dang Gui or other Blood-invigorating herbs (e.g., Chuan Xiong) in patients on anticoagulants like warfarin, as they may increase bleeding risk.
- Example: Ma Huang (ephedra) can raise blood pressure—avoid in patients on antihypertensives or with heart conditions.
- Study Resource: Use a pharmacology text like Essentials of Medical Pharmacology by KD Tripathi to understand drug mechanisms, and cross-reference with a TCM herbology book for interactions. You can also use our Pathology and Pharmacology Deck.
- Why It Matters: The CALE tests your ability to practice safely, especially in California where acupuncturists often work alongside Western medical providers. You might get questions like, “What herb should you avoid in a patient on blood thinners?”
Integration with TCM Diagnosis
Link Herbs to Patterns: Herbal prescriptions on the CALE must align with the patient’s TCM diagnosis:
- Example: For Kidney Yin Deficiency (night sweats, tinnitus), use herbs like Shu Di Huang or Shan Zhu Yu to nourish Yin, not Yang tonics like Lu Rong.
- Example: For Damp Heat in the Lower Jiao (UTI symptoms), use Huang Bai and Cang Zhu to clear heat and dry dampness.
- Connect to Foundations: Use your knowledge of Yin/Yang, Five Elements, and Zang Fu to justify herb selection.
- Why It Matters: The exam often integrates herbal medicine with TCM diagnosis, so you’ll need to show how your herb choices address the patient’s pattern.
Study Tips for the Chinese Herbal Medicine Section
- Use Herbology Deck: Use our herb study cards to memorize herb functions, properties, and contraindications. Use our formula study cards to memorize the TCM diagnosis, functions, contraindications, tongue & pulse, formula structure, and list of ingredients.
- Practice Scenarios: For a given condition (e.g., “Patient with insomnia due to Heart Blood Deficiency”), select a formula (e.g., Suan Zao Ren Tang) and justify your choice based on TCM diagnosis.
- Group Study: Discuss formulas with friends to reinforce learning. Quiz each other on modifications!
Mock Exams: Take practice tests to get familiar with question styles (e.g., multiple-choice on herb selection or contraindications).
- We’ve kicked off practice questions on Boncho School! Our team is hard at work building more practice questions and tests, and once they’re ready, we’ll announce it through our email newsletter. Be sure to sign up at bonchofriends.com and stay tuned for updates! 📩
Key Tip No. 4: Nail the Core Foundations of TCM
Key Areas to Study for the TCM Foundations Section of CALE
Know the Core TCM Theories:
Focus on Major Concepts:
- Yin and Yang: Understand the balance and interplay (e.g., Yang excess can lead to heat symptoms like irritability; Yin deficiency can cause dryness like night sweats).
- Five Elements Theory: Know the relationships! Generating cycle (e.g., Wood generates Fire), controlling cycle (e.g., Water controls Fire), and their clinical implications (e.g., a Wood imbalance might affect the Liver, causing anger or eye issues).
- Zang Fu Organs: Learn the functions and relationships of the Zang (Yin) and Fu (Yang) organs (e.g., the Spleen transforms and transports food essence; the Liver stores Blood and regulates Qi flow).
- Qi, Blood, and Body Fluids: Understand their roles and how imbalances manifest (e.g., qi deficiency = fatigue; Blood stasis = sharp pain).
Details to Master for Each Concept:
- Characteristics: What defines each concept? (e.g., Yin is cooling, nourishing; Yang is warming, active.)
- Interrelationships: How do they interact? (e.g., Spleen Qi deficiency can lead to dampness.)
- Clinical Applications: How do they guide diagnosis and treatment? (e.g., Five Elements can explain why a Liver issue might cause Spleen disharmony—Wood over controls Earth.)
- Why It Matters: The CALE tests your ability to apply TCM theory to clinical scenarios, such as selecting points or herbs based on a patient’s Yin/Yang or Five Elements imbalance.
Eight Principles: Framework for Diagnosis
Learn the Eight Principles: These are the foundation for pattern differentiation:
- Interior/Exterior: Where is the disease located? (e.g., Exterior = wind-cold invasion; Interior = Spleen Qi deficiency.)
- Cold/Heat: What is the nature of the condition? (e.g., Heat = red tongue, rapid pulse; Cold = pale tongue, slow pulse.)
- Deficiency/Excess: Is the body weak or overactive? (e.g., Deficiency = fatigue; Excess = acute pain.)
- Yin/Yang: The overarching balance (e.g., Yang excess = agitation; Yin deficiency = night sweats.)
- Understand Their Application: Use the Eight Principles to categorize symptoms and guide treatment (e.g., an Exterior Heat Excess pattern might need cooling herbs like Bo He).
- Why It Matters: The CALE often presents patient scenarios where you’ll need to identify patterns using the Eight Principles to choose the right treatment strategy.
Channels and Collaterals: The Pathways of Qi
Study the Meridian System: Know the 12 primary channels, their pathways, and their associated Zang Fu organs:
- Example: The Lung channel runs from the chest to the thumb (LU 1 to LU 11); it’s paired with the Large Intestine channel.
- Understand Extraordinary Vessels: Learn the functions of the Eight Extraordinary Vessels (e.g., Ren Mai nourishes Yin and governs conception; Du Mai governs Yang and the spine).
- Why It Matters: The CALE may ask you to trace a meridian pathway or select points on a specific channel for a given condition.
Integration with Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine
Link Theory to Practice: TCM foundations underpin point selection and herbal prescriptions:
- Example: For Kidney Yang Deficiency (cold limbs, low libido), use points like KD 7 Fuliu and herbs like Rou Cong Rong to warm and tonify Kidney Yang.
- Example: A Five Elements imbalance like Wood (Liver) over controlling Earth (Spleen) might cause bloating. Treat with points like LV 3 Taichong and SP 3 Taibai.
- Connect to Diagnosis: Use foundational knowledge to interpret symptoms (e.g., a pale tongue and weak pulse indicate Spleen Qi deficiency).
- Why It Matters: The exam tests your ability to integrate TCM theory with clinical decision making, ensuring your treatments are rooted in foundational principles.
Study Tips for the TCM Foundations Section
Use Foundations Deck: The Foundations Deck is perfect for mastering Yin-Yang, Five Elements, and Zang Fu. Review key concepts on the go!
- Use Mnemonics: Memorize the Five Elements cycles (e.g., Generating: “Wood Feeds Fire, Fire Creates Earth, Earth Bears Metal, Metal Collects Water, Water Nourishes Wood”).
- Practice Case Studies: Apply theory to scenarios (e.g., “Patient with irritability and red eyes. How does the Liver relate to Wood?”).
- Review Regularly: TCM theory is foundational. Revisit these concepts often to ensure they’re second nature by exam day.
Key Tip No. 5: Sharpen Your TCM Diagnosis Skills
Key Areas to Study for the TCM Diagnosis Section of CALE
Four Diagnostic Methods: The Pillars of Assessment
Focus on the Four Methods: Master each method to gather comprehensive diagnostic information:
- Observation (Looking): Examine the patient’s appearance, tongue, and Shen (spirit). (e.g., Red sclera = Lung Heat; swelling under the eyes = Kidney Deficiency.)
- Listening and Smelling: Note the patient’s voice, breathing, or body odor (e.g., a weak voice = Qi deficiency; foul breath = Stomach heat).
- Inquiry (Asking): Ask about symptoms, medical history, and lifestyle (e.g., “Do you feel cold often?” might indicate Yang deficiency).
- Palpation (Touching): Feel the pulse and palpate areas like the abdomen (e.g., a wiry pulse = Liver Qi stagnation).
Details to Master for Each Method:
- Observation Signs: Know what to look for (e.g., a pale, swollen tongue = Spleen Qi deficiency; a red tongue tip = Heart fire).
- Pulse Diagnosis: Understand the 28 pulse types (e.g., slippery = dampness; rapid = heat).
- Key Questions: Learn the 10 classic questions (e.g., chills/fever, perspiration, appetite, sleep).
Pattern Differentiation: Identifying the Root Cause
Master Pattern Identification: Differentiate patterns using the Eight Principles, Zang Fu, and Six Stages:
- Eight Principles: Combine Interior/Exterior, Cold/Heat, Deficiency/Excess, Yin/Yang
- Zang Fu Patterns: Identify organ imbalances (e.g., Liver Fire Blazing = headache, red eyes, anger).
- Six Stages: Understand disease progression (e.g., Tai Yang stage = wind cold with headache, stiff neck).
- Why It Matters: The CALE tests your ability to diagnose patterns accurately, which directly informs your treatment plan (e.g., selecting points or herbs).
Tongue and Pulse Diagnosis: Key Diagnostic Tools
Tongue Diagnosis: Know how to interpret tongue signs:
- Color: Pale = deficiency, red = heat, purple = stasis.
- Coating: Thick = excess/dampness, peeled = Yin deficiency.
- Shape: Swollen = dampness, thin = deficiency.
- Example: A red tongue with a yellow, greasy coating = damp heat.
Pulse Diagnosis: Understand pulse qualities and positions:
- Qualities: Rapid = heat, slow = cold, wiry = stagnation, weak = deficiency.
- Positions: Each position corresponds to an organ (e.g., left cun = Heart, right cun = Lung).
- Example: A slippery, rapid pulse at the right guan position = Spleen damp heat.
Red Flags and Referrals: When to Act
Recognize Serious Signs: Identify symptoms requiring referral to a Western medical provider:
- Example: Sudden severe chest pain (possible heart attack) = refer immediately.
- Example: Unexplained weight loss and night sweats (possible cancer) = refer for evaluation.
- Study Resource: Cross-reference with biomedicine knowledge (e.g., Robbins and Kumar Basic Pathology or our Pathology and Pharmacology Deck) to understand Western red flags.
- Why It Matters: The CALE tests your ability to recognize when a condition is beyond your scope, per California law (§ 4955 on unprofessional conduct).
Study Tips for the TCM Diagnosis Section
- Practice Observation: Look at tongue images online or in books (e.g., Tongue Diagnosis in Chinese Medicine by Giovanni Maciocia) to identify patterns.
- Pulse Training: Practice pulse-taking with a mentor or classmates to distinguish qualities like wiry vs. slippery.
- Case Studies: Analyze patient scenarios (e.g., “Patient with fatigue, pale tongue, weak pulse—what’s the pattern?”) and propose a diagnosis.
Use Diagnosis Deck: The Diagnosis Deck helps you memorize key signs (e.g., “Red sclera = Lung Heat”) and practice pattern differentiation.
Key Tip No. 6: Master Clean Needle Technique (CNT)
Safety first! The Clean Needle Technique (CNT) manual is a must-read for the CALE. Grab the most current version and master these essentials:
Key Takeaways from the Clean Needle Technique (CNT) Manual for CALE Prep
The CNT manual is a cornerstone of safe acupuncture practice and is explicitly tied to California regulations (e.g., § 4927(f)(4)(B) requires an acupuncture assistant to hold a CNT certificate or complete an approved CNT course based on the 7th edition). Here’s what you should focus on as a CALE candidate:
Purpose and Scope
The manual outlines best practices for needling and related procedures to minimize risks like infection or injury. It’s not a treatment guide but a safety playbook.
Why it matters: CALE tests your ability to practice safely—expect questions on infection control and needling protocols.
Core Safety Principles
Sterility: Use only single-use, sterile, disposable needles. Never reuse or re-sterilize.
Hand Hygiene: Wash hands thoroughly before and after needling (soap and water or alcohol-based sanitizer).
Skin Prep: Clean the patient’s skin with an antiseptic (e.g., 70% isopropyl alcohol) before insertion.
Gloving: Wear gloves if there’s a risk of blood exposure or if you have cuts on your hands—otherwise, clean hands suffice for most procedures.
Why it matters: These are non-negotiable basics likely to appear in multiple-choice or scenario-based questions.
Needling Techniques
Insertion: Use a clean field (e.g., sterile drape or pad) and avoid touching the needle shaft—handle only the non-insertion end.
Removal: Dispose of needles immediately in a sharps container—never recap or leave them lying around.
Depth and Angle: Follow anatomical guidelines to avoid organs, nerves, or blood vessels (e.g., shallow needling near the lungs to prevent pneumothorax).
Why it matters: You might get a question like, “What’s the safest way to needle near the chest?”—know the risks and precautions.
Bloodborne Pathogens and Infection Control
Understand risks from hepatitis B, C, and HIV—assume all patients could be carriers.
Manage bleeding: Apply pressure with a sterile cotton ball, dispose of it as biohazard waste.
Why it matters: California law (§ 4955(e)) cites failure to follow infection control as unprofessional conduct—tie this to CNT practices for exam readiness.
Adjunctive Therapies
Covers cupping, moxibustion, gua sha—ensure tools are clean or disposable (e.g., sterilize reusable cups between patients).
Why it matters: Your scope (§ 4937) includes these—know how to do them safely.
Emergency Preparedness
Recognize adverse events: fainting (vasovagal response), stuck needles, or pneumothorax.
Response: Remove needles, position patient supine if faint, seek medical help for serious issues.
Why it matters: Scenarios like “Patient feels dizzy during needling—what do you do?” test your CNT knowledge.
CNT isn’t just about passing the exam, it’s about keeping your future patients safe. 🩺
Key Tip No. 7: Know Your California State Laws & Regulations
The CALE tests your knowledge of California’s acupuncture laws, so read the most current Laws and Regulations Relating to the Practice of Acupuncture from acupuncture.ca.gov.
Here are the key takeaways:
- Licensure Requirements (§ 4935, § 4938): 3,000+ hours of training, passing the CALE, and a 9-month internship.
- Scope of Practice (§ 4937): Needling, herbs, moxa, and more—what you can legally do.
- Unprofessional Conduct (§ 4955): Avoid fraud, negligence, or misconduct.
- Continuing Education (§ 4945): 50 hours every 2 years to renew your license.
- State Regulations (§ 4925-4979): Know the Acupuncture Licensure Act.
- Practical Compliance (§ 4961): Register your practice and display your license.
These laws aren’t just for the exam—they’ll guide your career in California! 📜
Key Tip No. 8: Discover Your Perfect Study Type
Not sure how you study best? Let’s find out! Do you thrive when studying solo, or do you learn best by discussing topics with others?
Discover Your Perfect Study Fit for CALE Prep!
Answer the following questions by selecting the option that best describes you. Add up your points at the end to find your ideal study style!
Question 1: How do you feel about working with others while studying?
A) I prefer to focus on my own and avoid distractions (3 points)
B) I love bouncing ideas off friends and learning together (1 point)
C) I enjoy having a friend nearby for moral support, but we work independently (2 points)
D) I’d rather have a knowledgeable tutor guide me step-by-step (4 points)
Question 2: What motivates you most when studying?
A) My own pace and self-discipline (3 points)
B) The energy and encouragement from a group (1 point)
C) A quiet companion to keep me on track without interrupting (2 points)
D) Expert feedback and structured lessons from a tutor (4 points)
Question 3: How do you handle difficult topics like Clean Needle Technique or TCM diagnostics?
A) I figure it out on my own with books and practice (3 points)
B) I discuss it with friends to clarify concepts (1 point)
C) I study quietly next to a friend and ask for help if needed (2 points)
D) I seek a tutor to explain it clearly and correct my mistakes (4 points)
Question 4 (Optional): How do you spend your study breaks?
A) Reflecting alone to recharge (3 points)
B) Chatting and laughing with a study group (1 point)
C) Taking a break with a friend without disrupting focus (2 points)
D) Reviewing notes with a tutor for extra clarity (4 points)
Scoring Your Results
Add up the points from your answers (each question is worth 1-4 points).
0-3 points: Studying Alone Type (Study Type 1)
You’re an independent studier! Solo sessions with your CNT manual or exam handbook suit you best. Create a quiet space to dive deep into your prep.
4-7 points: Group Study Type (Study Type 2)
You’re a social learner! Group discussions can help you master acupuncture techniques and laws with peers.
8-11 points: Study in the Same Room with a Friend but Separately (Study Type 3)
You enjoy a balance of solitude and company. Studying alongside a friend keeps you motivated without the pressure of group dynamics.
12-14 points: Studying with a Tutor (Study Type 4)
You thrive with personalized guidance! A tutor can break down complex topics, offer structure, and feedback. Try one on-one sessions to maximize your CALE prep.
Key Tip No. 9: Find the Resources That Fit Your Needs
Key Tip No. 10: Ask Around. Tap Into Your Network!
Don’t be shy! Reach out to friends who’ve already taken the CALE! Ask them what helped them succeed and what didn’t. Maybe they’ll share their favorite study hacks or warn you about tricky topics. Gather their insights and use them to plan your ultimate study game. Your friends are a goldmine of real-world advice!
We hope these tips help you shine in your CALE prep! Wishing you all the success—you’ve got this! 💖 Feel free to reach out to us at friends@bonchofriends.com with any questions about our study cards or other TCM topics. We’re here to support you! Make sure to bookmark this page and return to it to help with your studies!
Essential Links You Need for CALE Prep
CALE Exam Handbook:
Clean Needle Technique Manual:
Laws and Regulations Relating to the Practice of Acupuncture